Voyager Scholarship Application 2023

The year comes with many good opportunities and openings to help you further your education, as the Voyager Scholarship has been made available to support your dream.

If you are considering applying for this scholarship, I will be given all the important information including the requirement needed for the application.

voyager scholarship
voyager scholarship

About Voyager Scholarship

The Voyager Scholarship is open to young individuals from all parts of the nation who share a curiosity about the world and a conviction that they can make a positive difference in it, much like the scholarship’s creators. Students should be passionate about doing good deeds, have experience volunteering or establishing communities, and have a broad understanding of what may be accomplished through public service.

The Scholarship is a program offered by the Voyager Capital firm that provides financial assistance to underrepresented and underprivileged students pursuing careers in technology. 

The scholarship provides funding for tuition, books, and other expenses, as well as mentorship and networking opportunities. The program aims to increase diversity in the tech industry by providing support to students who may not otherwise have access to the resources they need to succeed in a technology-related field.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Anyone having in mind to apply for the Voyager scholarship must meet the following criteria.
  2. Possess a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or something comparable.
  3. Have shown a dedication to public service
  4. After graduating, intend to pursue a career in public service
  5. Possess a permanent residence card, be a citizen of the United States (US), or be a person who has been given deferred action status by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
  6. Extracurricular activities and community involvement are often considered part of the eligibility criteria for the Voyager Scholarship, as they demonstrate a student’s passion for learning and leadership beyond the classroom. Examples of extracurricular activities and community involvement that may be relevant include:
  • Participation in clubs or organizations related to the student’s field of study or interests
  • Volunteer work or community service
  • Participation in research or internships
  • Leadership roles in school or community organizations
  • Awards or recognition for academic, extracurricular, or community achievements

Scholarship Worth

Unlike every other scholarship, the Voyager scholarship is extremely rewarding and has the following benefits

Up to $50,000 will be given to students. The money will cover

Tuition and Living expenses

For their junior and senior years of college, they will get $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial help to pay for any outstanding tuition and/or living expenses.


Summer Voyage

Between their junior and senior years of college, students will create their own summer journey with a $10,000 budget. 

Students will be able to take advantage of internship or mentoring possibilities anywhere in the world as a result of the experience, which will help them widen their perspectives and get them ready for careers in public service. Additionally, students will be able to use Airbnb credits to book lodging through Airbnb.

10-year travel stipend

After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students a $2,000 travel credit per year for ten years, for a total of $20,000 in travel credits. This will enable students to keep expanding their perspectives and making new contacts throughout their careers in public service.

The scholarship also provides;

Fall Summit

A summit will be hosted every fall where students can discuss and find inspiration for their route to public service.

At the summit this fall, they will meet with Brian Chesky and President Obama to talk about the value of empathy and understanding in leadership.

They will also build relationships with other Voyagers and take in guest speakers’ discussions on diverse service tactics.

Network of leaders

Students will be granted access to a network of leaders by being invited to a regular speaker series throughout the course of the program.

They will learn about new service opportunities and advancements taking place in their professions thanks to this network of leaders.

After graduating, students will become a part of the global community of the Obama Foundation, which will make Foundation resources and programming available to them.

Application Deadline

The scholarship application deadline is March 22, 2023, at 3:00 PM Central Time. A selection committee will examine the applications. In July, accepted students will get a notification.



Who is funding and administering the Voyager Scholarship?

The Obama Foundation is in charge of managing the Voyager Scholarship. Participants will receive lodging and other assistance from Airbnb. Scholarship America oversees the application process and scholarship payments. The co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, personally contributed $100 million to the program.

How many students will receive a scholarship?

An expect a large number of students to be eligible for this scholarship as 100 Juniors, with the option to renew as Seniors, and we plan to scale the program to add more Juniors in future years.

What is the Summer Voyage In relation to this scholarship?

Students will take part in an immersive summer experience between their junior and senior years where they will get practical experience in their chosen field of service. 

Students have the option of doing a conventional internship or creating their own. Each participant’s Summer Voyage must be assessed and authorized as part of the planning process taking place from September through December. Internships or other experiences are typically at least six weeks long. 

The Summer Voyage travel and living expenses for students are covered by the $10,000 scholarship. Additionally, each student participating in the Summer Voyage will receive up to $4,200 in Airbnb lodging reimbursements.


The Voyager Scholarship is a highly competitive program that recognizes and supports exceptional students who demonstrate a passion for innovation and leadership in their academic and extracurricular pursuits. 

It is a unique program that supports students who are looking to pursue their studies abroad. The scholarship covers a range of expenses related to academic and travel costs, as well as provides a valuable platform for students to develop their social and professional skills.

However, this scholarship provides a great opportunity given that 100 students will be rewarded compared to the regular 2-5 students when looking at other scholarships.

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